The Levellers are looking for new recruits for the 2024 season for both our X-League: Limited Contact Rugby League and full contact sides.
2023 saw the clubs first ever 13-a-side full contact fixture against Swindon St George RL and the club are looking to build on that this year. The Midlands9s is going to be a highlight for the club this year as we look to enter the Men’s Social competiton and use it as a team building event.
We have also committed to a third season of X-League as our limited contact version of the game continues to grow in popularity. This year we will be looking to attend as many of the Grand Prix Events as we can as well as hosting our own event later in the year.
If it’s something you’re thinking about why not drop us a message for more details. We have an offer for everyone at the club and it’s a great way to get out there and meet new people whilst throwing a ball about. We look forward to hearing from you.

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