With the Levellers, every new player gets a free trial to see if they enjoy it and getting to training is practical etc. Once you’re hooked we ask if you can contribute to the running of the club. When players register with the RFL there is voluntary option to donate, but this does not come directly to our club.
We’d like to demonstrate how subs are used and how important it is. As a community club we do not receive direct contributions from our governing body (RFL) or the council. We have regional level support with resources we can tap into, although they do not provide equipment, pitch rental or kits etc.
Most of our kit has been funded by our amazing sponsors (breakdown below) with the remainder provided by volunteers – we hope subs will support this expenditure too. We have ordered the minimum number of kits in a range of sizes we hope all players will find comfortable. The cost of which is approximately £3400.
Sponsorship for kits for this and next 2 years (one-off donations):
Laing O’Rourke – £1000
Terence Lett Jewellers – £300
The Red Lion Eynsham – £400
Nick Westbury & Co – £1000
Cotswold Property Partners – £400
Francis George Solicitor and Advocate – sponsorship carrying over from last year.
The remaining £300 will be met by subs.
Other costs include training facilities, pitches for matches and our family fun day. Training hire equates to about £650 per year depending on availability. Our equipment was partly provided by a grant awarded 3 years ago and parent donations. We wish to promote the club further in schools and places of work which requires budget setting.
Our Family Fun Day last September celebrated a successful year and raised funds for MNDA. The day itself, including facilities and inflatables etc cost just over £1000. Thanks to generous local companies donating raffle prizes, people buying ticket’s and paying for many turns on the inflatables; we raised £602 for the Oxfordshire branch of MNDA. The club itself did not take money on the day.
Rugby League is an inexpensive sport compared to some, but we don’t get the support others do. Shortfalls have been absorbed by your committee from private personal funds which is unsustainable. We are a not-for-profit volunteer-run community club, every penny counts and what funds we have we reinvest back into the club. Many of the committee and coaches are parents ourselves, so appreciate it’s tough for families. However, for clubs to survive and grow each year, we need to bring in essential money via subs.
We ask for subs to ensure we are financially viable on an ongoing basis, can continue to provide outlets for primary, secondary and adult players of all genders; support people in developing as individuals on and off the pitch, continue innovating and maintaining the levels of organisation and efficiency you expect.
Some organisations charge kids subs and not adult players, but how does that help kids get into a sport? We ask everyone, especially the grown ups to help people get into the game, exercise, have fun, learn new skills and make new friends.
How to pay….
First session always FREE for new starters, £4 subs thereafter
Initial package up to summer holidays (14 sessions in total):
Existing Lev attending from wk.1 = £56, New starter from wk.1 = £52
Existing Lev attending from wk.2 = £52, New starter from wk.2 = £48
Please transfer subs using the club’s bank details:
Ref: Use Parent or Adult Player surname, Bank: Nat West,
Name: West Oxfordshire Levellers RLF, Sort Code: 60-24-60, Account: 19940823
Sessions started on 17th April, so if you only joined in week 4 … please do the maths …. we don’t want you paying more than you should. If any player or family is struggling to find subs, contact the club secretary confidentially, so we can work something out. We don’t want any player left behind, that’s not the Levellers way.
Parents and players ask how they can get more involved in the club. Joining the committee can be tricky if you have limited time or regular commitments, but everyone is welcome and has skills that can benefit the club – even if you know nothing about the sport itself.
We asked companies to fund our kits, but sometimes individuals spontaneously donate, incidentally a youth kit costs about £53. Whilst the club provides the kit on match days, we’d love you to purchase our new training wear. It’s non mandatory, but we think you’ll like it. The committee has purchased some items up front from our own resources. We pay for our own hoodies so that’s a given, but hope players will see us wearing them and be tempted to purchase what we have in stock or via our online shop when it opens.
Thank you parents and players for all your support, your volunteering efforts and your patience in waiting for our new kits and training wear.
Any questions please contact our Club Secretary via:

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