Family Fun Day 2
Join the fun, whether you’re a member of the club, interested in what’s going on, a supporter of MNDA or just here for the raffle … £800 worth of prizes and counting!!!
Red Hot Bundle Deals on Exclusive Training Wear
Check out our new range of Training and Off-field wear, including tees, hoodies, shorts, mid-layers, socks, track pants and leggings.
Why we ask you to pay subs
Money! We all need it … we’d all like more … we give as much as we can, but talking about it can be awkward.
Secondary Teams
Calling all secondary girls and boys year 7 and up….have a taster and see what you’re missing….
Primary Teams
Hey kids, fancy a go at something new that will get you really muddy? Try Rugby League @ West Oxfordshire Levellers RL….
Starting a new sport throws up loads of questions … a big one is what to put on your feet. If you’re playing full contact with tackling we recommend studded boots, but if you’ve never worn them before or know how the sizing compares to your other footwear, then it can be a costly exercise…
2024 All Systems Go
Back to training and what an amazing turnout. Familiar faces, loads of new starters (many never picking up a rugby ball before) and we’re so happy to welcome new female players to the team. New player/parent packs to be shared asap. We’re also building up to the new kit and training wear release.
The Levellers are about to dust off the cobwebs and get back out on the field at all age groups, but for now it’s time to push our social offer! Most won’t have heard of X-League: Limited Contact Rugby League but it is an extremely enjoyable version of our sport that focuses on fun and…