Codes of Conduct
How to enjoy the game, for players, parents, spectators, coaches, officials and volunteers.
Are you wanting a midweek break from the same old routine? Wanting to get out of the house for a couple of hours one evening a week? Looking to meet new people? Then why not sign up to something new and come and give X-League: Limited Contact Rugby League a go. We meet every Wednesday…
We are now looking for new junior players to join the club in 2024. Training begins on Wednesday 3rd April and we are looking to welcome lots of new faces to the Levellers family. This year we would like a real recruitment push in our primary age groups (U6, 8 and 10) as we would…
Happy Lunar New Year
To all our friends and family celebrating Lunar New Year, we wish you good fortune in the year of the dragon
It’s time for us to put out our first of 3 promotional flyers as we look to build our on-field teams for the 2024 season. We offer playing, officiating and coaching opportunities for primary aged children all the way through to adults and we have some exciting opportunities this year for all who want to…
Christmas Message from our Chair
Hello to you all As Christmas is approaching I would like to take this opportunity to send out a message to summarise the year that has been, to share with you some of our plans for the year ahead, and to send out a number of thank yous. 2023 has certainly been our best year…
MNDA thanks everyone who helped raise funding at the Family Fun Day
MNDA Oxfordshire and the Levs thank our amazing players, families, old friends and new for helping make our first Family Fun Day an amazing experience and raising £602 for MNDA.
Join the Levellution
New 2024 Player/Parent Pack dropping soon. Including all the info you need when joining the club. Interested in giving it a go? Contact us using the form below or message us on Facebook. #TryLeague Notice: JavaScript is required for this content.