working together
Codes of Conduct
How to enjoy the game, for players, parents, spectators, coaches, officials and volunteers.
Christmas Message from our Chair
Hello to you all As Christmas is approaching I would like to take this opportunity to send out a message to summarise the year that has been, to share with you some of our plans for the year ahead, and to send out a number of thank yous. 2023 has certainly been our best year…
MNDA thanks everyone who helped raise funding at the Family Fun Day
MNDA Oxfordshire and the Levs thank our amazing players, families, old friends and new for helping make our first Family Fun Day an amazing experience and raising £602 for MNDA.
Website construction underway
Keep checking in to see how our website develops to include all you need to know about playing for and supporting the Levs
Sponsorship Opportunities for 2024/25
Vision, Opportunity, Support, Partnership