We are now looking for new junior players to join the club in 2024. Training begins on Wednesday 3rd April and we are looking to welcome lots of new faces to the Levellers family.

This year we would like a real recruitment push in our primary age groups (U6, 8 and 10) as we would like to bring back the club trip to Wembley and the Challenge Cup (players get to walk on the Wembley turf after their own festival prior to the Challenge Cup Final).

Drop us a message of you are interested in hearing more, we welcome players of all ages and abilities and focus on fun and enjoyment ❤️💚💛🖤






  1. Hannah Kelly avatar
    Hannah Kelly

    Hi I’m inquiring about my son joining, he already plays for Witney RFC u11. I was looking into him playing rugby over the summer and I heard you are training at woodgreen school on Wednesdays? Please could you send me a link through Spond so I can sign him up if that is possible?
    Kind regards Hannah.

  2. Tom Upfold avatar
    Tom Upfold

    Hi my son’s 15. Looking to play a bit of League over summer. Could be a few other boys interested from down Faringdon way at same age level. What time is training on Weds and can I confirm location?

    1. Ian Ferry avatar
      Ian Ferry

      Hi Tom,

      Thanks for contacting us. I’ve just emailed you our Player and Parent pack which hopefully answers many of your questions. Please let me know if it has sent ok as it’s a large document.

      Yours, Ian Ferry, Club Secretary

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